
איך אלן מור הרס את הסטימפאק - ביבליוגרפיה

איור של חברי The League of Extraordinaty Gentlemen מתוך הקומיקס


להלן הרשימה של המקורות שבהם השתמשתי לכתיבת עבודה לקורס של ד"ר קרן עמרי על סטימפאנק, שהועבר בחוג לשפה וספרות אנגלית באוניברסיטת חיפה. חלק מן המקורות שבה הוזכרו בהרצאה "איך אלן מור הרס את הסטימפאנק", שהיא עיבוד של אותה עבודה.

Di Liddo, Annalisa. Alan Moore: Comics as Performance, Fiction as Scalpel. University Press of Mississippi, 2009.

Domsch, Sebastian. "Monsters against Empire: The Politics and Poetics of Neo-Victorian Metafiction in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". Neo-Victorian Gothic: Horror, Violence and Degeneration in the Re-Imagined Nineteenth Century, edited by Marie-Luise Kohlke and Christian Gutleben, Rodopi, 2012, pp.97-121.

Hilton, Laura. "Reincarnating Mina Murray: subverting the Gothic heroine?". Alan Moore and the Gothic Tradition, edited by Matthew J. A. Green, Manchester University Press, 2013, pp. 195-212.

Hall, Mirko M. and Gunn, Joshua. "'There Is Hope for the Future': The (Dis)Enchantment of the Technician-Hero in Steampunk". Clockwork Rhetoric: The Language and Style of Steampunk, edited by Barry Brummett, University Press of Mississippi, 2014, pp. 3-18.

Nally, Claire. Steampunk: Gender, Subculture & the Neo-Victorian. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.

Moore, Alan and O'Neill, Kevin. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Omnibus. DC Comics, 2013.

Nevis, Jess. "Introduction: The 19th-Century Roots of Steampunk". Steampunk, edited by Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Tachyon Publishing, 2008. p.p. 3-11.

Ratt, Margaret P. "Putting the Punk back into SteamPunk". SteamPunk Magazine 1, March 2007, p.3. https://archive.org/details/SteamPunk_Magazine_1-printing Retrieved 3.7.2013

Rutherford, Lara. "Victorian Genres at Play: Juvenile Fiction and The league of Extraordinary Gentlemen". Neo-Victorian Studies 5:1 (2012), pp. 125-151.

https://neovictorianstudies.com/article/view/184 Retrieved 14.6.2023

Thoss, Jeff. "From Penny Dreadful to Graphic Novel: Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's Genealogy of Comics in The league of Extraordinary Gentlemen". Consumerism and Prestige: The Materiality of Literature in the Modern Age, edited by Anthony Enns and Bernard Metz, Anthem Press, 2022, pp.163-178.

VanderMeer, Jeff and Chambers, S. J. The Steampunk Bible: An Illustrated Guide to the World of Imaginary Airships, Corsets and Goggles, Mad Scientists, and Strange Literature. Abrams Image, 2011.

Witholt, Thomas. "By Whose Account?: Reading and Writing Histories in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". Graphic History: Essays on Graphic Novels And/As History, edited by Richard Iadonisi. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2012, pp. 144-161.